

Skills of fighters

The following scale system is by no means intended for authoritarian grading, where only unrevealing numbers are handed out hastily, but it serves as an illustration and as a tool to make communication and goal setting in training a little more concrete.

This is about the skills that everyone can gradually develop as a fighter.
Some of these skills go further than others and are harder to gain and some are basic requirements for a confident fighter.
Not everyone needs every skill, but with each skill the understanding of the fight increases.

As a rule, fighters are sorted into three rough tiers according to their skills. Then they are looked at to see if within the level they have unconditional command of all the skills attributed to the level at all times or if the skills are limited. So that ultimately 9 levels of safe fighting can be distinguished. This is useful for self-assessments, in setting up trainings and in balancing for side-grading.

The scale looks like this: Schematic representation: skills-table

Level 0 means unsafe / uncertain. This also means, for example, that there can be no well-placed hit if the opponent is driven back carelessly and the opponent then trips over an obstacle.

Standard (Basic)

