
(version one)

Photo: Detail Bayeux Tapestry, Noble Heydenwall is a community interested in living history. Members from Heydenwall meet for weekly fighting practice, visit medieval and viking events and are crafting in common.

(version two)

Photo: Detail Bayeux Tapestry, Swordsman We are fighters who enjoy weekly practice. We host a bimonthly training which is attended by a number of other groups and takes place in a forested area.
We are craftspeople displaying a variety of viking and medival handcrafts. We trade experiences as well as handcrafted goods.
We have fun with living history, but we are always up for facts and discussion as well.

Figure: Maciejowski Bible spear fighter light clothes In the beginning there was none. Asked who we are, we explained „Well, we are a group of people who practice in Oldenburg…“ But this will not do if you want to sign up for events.

So a name was needed. We wanted a name that had something to do with our kind of fighting. A name which represents us and so for a time we called ourselfs „Schildwall“. After a while we learned another group was using that name too. We decided to search for a new name.
Just at this time the so called "Heydenwall" was found at an excavation in Oldenburg. The small circular rampart has probably given our hometown its name. We named ourselves after this fortification.

And so today we are „Der Heydenwall“ The wall of the heathens in the viking period and the wall against the heathens in high medieval times. Anyway, as long as it incorporates battling, tinkering and good food and drinking. 🙂

Figure: “deichen” Saxenspiegel dike construction

“Keen nich will dieken, de mutt wieken”
(Who doesn't want to build a dike, has to leave.)

Who wants to be with Heydenwall, must be Heydenwall!

Heydenwallis have come together as a group because we have found pleasure in working together. In order to let a common core become visible in the constant free change of the group, we have given ourselves a constitution, which reflects what Heydenwall is about and how we deal with each other.

Heydenwall Constitution

Heydenwallis are recognizable by their Heydenwall shield or a usually well visible object with the Heydenwall arch on it. Do you want to belong to Heydenwall too? Ask us! Do something with us: go to events with us, settle in, give us a chance to get to know you. All Heydenwallis will then decide together at a Thing if you fit in with us.

Figure: Maciejowski Bible, swordsman Our group is not limited to one special era. Everyone decides for herself to which extent she commits herself to a certain representation. At the moment most recreations are military, in the early medieval setting viking and frisian in the high-medieval german citizens.

Heydenwall and the Historical Presentation

Heydenwall is also always interested in dealing with history. This takes place in various forms of historical representation and also in the context of reconstructions and researches. Each person determines which interests are pursued and with which demands. It is common for us to adapt the claim to the events and to go beyond it.
Each representation, however, represents only an attempt at rapprochement, which is often limited by our resources or also by our right to physical integrity and always also by our thinking as human beings of the present. Nevertheless, every attempt at representation brings us closer to understanding the past and, in reflection, the present.

What we understand by the various terms used to name representations and reconstructions:

Codex Aureus Epternacensis f76 vineyard Living history and tales

Mostly referred to by the terms „Living History“ and „Historical Role Play“.

Historical representation as living history. It is about experiencing or bringing to life a historical epoch. The focus is on the social images and roles of time and on the relationships between people. This is also represented by the material culture of the epoch.

Otto von Freising Weltchronik ms bos q 6 Fol 79r Presentation of historical events

Mostly referred to by the term of „Reenactment“.

Historical representation as the reenactment and retelling of concrete events. A concrete, historical event is reenacted. (This can be a certain court hearing, or a certain battle, as well as a historical dispute between negotiating parties.) In order to implement this appropriately, the historical circumstances are researched as clearly as possible in order to present the events.

Planing a spear in color by Friedrich Reconstruction of historical methods

Usually referred to by the terms „experimental archaeology“ and „HEMA“.

Historical representation as reconstruction of application techniques. Here, replicas of finds in concrete experimental situations are used in order to learn more about individual aspects of their possible applications by using them. The starting point is always the archaeological find, the purpose is to learn something about its application possibilities. Thereby we are able to learn something about the object as well as the resulting options and techniques of action. In addition, traditional techniques will be reconstructed and imitated and thus revived in their underlying method and way of application.

Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen Mendel 1 Folio 25 verso locksmith Reconstruction of historical techniques

Usually referred to by the terms „archaeotechnics“ and „historical craftsmanship“.

Historical representation as a reconstruction and demonstration of techniques. Historical finds are reproduced with historical tools or traditional techniques are being revived. The starting point are hypothetically assumed production techniques, the goal is the replication of the find and thus the theoretical foundation of the production techniques. This usually leads to a deeper insight into the structure of the finds and into the production contexts. The possibilities of the historical tools are simulated and as a result further insights into the possibilities of the represented time are gained.

Carpet of Bayeux the celebration Historical setting for a nice get-together

Historical representation as a setting for a friendly togetherness. It's about the good parties that there are in this hobby, without those, everything would only be half as good as it is. Usually we meet at beautiful locations in our robes and drink drinks from our vessels made after finds and let us get drunk and so we sing heroic songs about great deeds, as it is reported in old traditions. 😉

Photo: Detailaufnahme Bayeux Tapestry, fight At Heydenwall the medieval armed encounter - the fencing with medieval and early modern weapons - is something that is practiced in many different styles and trained under different aspects. We have many interests and like it that they add up to each other.

It is clear that it isn't possible to meet the requirements, but we strive to get near them!

Pictogram: Sport Icon one-handed speer

Mostly realized through Codex Belli 2003, 2010 and Western Style.

Medieval fencing as sport as we understand it is a team sport with undefined group size that needs no referee, because the game is characterized by mutual respect and the own claim to improve oneself. The main goals are physical fitness, being active for fun and the tactical aspects of group fighting.

Photo: Detail Church Westerwijdwert, Friesian swordsman

Mostly realized through Huskarl and Eastern Style.

Medieval fencing as martial arts as we understand it covers the right flow and balance of movement in tempo, position and strength und their elegant execution. The main focus is to perfect one's technique and style and the social and mental aspects of fighting.

Figure: Flos Duellatorum 1409 Spear fighter

Mostly realized through HEMA and historical fencing.

Medieval fencing as historical renconstruction from our perspective is an attempt to recreate techniques from historical sources and revive them through practical trial as useable techniques in sparring. This way we hope to gain insights into historical fighting methods and their systems to finally fill them with live again.

Figure: Codex Manesse Duke of Anhalt

Mostly realized through Buhurt and Vollkontakt.

Medieval fencing as full contact fight as we understand it is the concious omission of Rules, though not of common sense. It is obvious that this causes an expansion of the protective gear beyond historical correct and that levers, stact and blows exist, which cannot be carried out without injury. Nonetheles does full contact combat give an opportunity to experience fighting in another dimension thus opening another perspective.

Figure: Joachim Meyer Strassburg 1570

Mostly realized through showfighting and re-enactment.

Medieval fencing as showfight as we understand it is a concpet of showing contemporary and historical fencing styles, reenacting historical events and recreating stories that fit into the historical context. This can happen as a rehearsed show or as a free spontaneous combination from a repertoire. One goal is to keep the performance interesting for the audience and the actors alike in duels and bigger battles. In this we like to show non deadly solutions for conflicts.

Medieval fencing as play as we understand it is an important part of all styles and one of the core ideas of Heydenwall. As a means of training as well as form of playful fighting style.

A playful fighting style implies to expand one's on requirments beyond the rule. This means to restrain yourself in the used repertoire or to increase the wanted level of precision and thus changing your own fighting and improve your skills and find your own joy in playing.

The use of games to concentrate on certain aspects of fighting helps to train the right reaction to these situations in the bigger context. This broadens the repertoire, the communication and the ability to make decisions. Best of all: Games are fun and motivating!

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