Report error
What type of error are we talking about?
Has the error been reported yet? Look here: Bekannte Probleme. (De)
Technical errors and access problems
No programmed thing is perfect. You have noticed an error, a problem with one of Heydenwall data services (homepage, forum, cloud, mails, calendar)? Please report technical errors, access problems, display problems.
Spam or security problems
You receive spam directly or indirectly through Heydenwall mail? Or you have noticed a security problem with one of the Heydenwall data services? Please report it.
You can also contact me with questions about your other mail addresses, viruses, other web applications, data processing in general or security of your own PC.
Rule or law breaking
The moderators and administrators are active and attentive readers of Heydenwall's various websites (homepage, forum, cloud), but we still occasionally miss something. So if you have noticed a rule violation or law breaking, please report it.
Error form
* these fields must be completed