(Historical) Presentation
Heydenwall strives for an authentic and credible interpretation of the Middle Ages in many areas. The deepening of knowledge about medieval life and handicraft techniques is considered as an objective as well as the mediation of historical culture to an audience.
Our focus is on working as medieval craftsmen and producing replicas, as well as running experiments. We are actively involved in various events and collaborate with museums and schools.
We have presented our perspective on the subject of „representation“ here:
Heydenwall and the Historical Presentation
Castle Revival
Heydenwall organizes a castle revival in a reconstructed „three-island lowland castle“ in the Museum Vechta twice a year.
There we show life on a military site of the late 11th century, but focus on everyday life and the activities associated with it. The event is supported by Heydenwall and selected external actors.
You can find out more here: Vechta Castle Revivals
Heydenwall organizes the fighter camp at the Burgamannentage Vechta. Here we pay attention to the presentation of an authentic material culture in the camp and equipment of the fighters and have the responsibility for an exciting fencing program consisting of wargame, HEMA training and battle and the transfer of knowledge to the interested audience with a reference to the possibilities and limits of what is shown.
You can find out more here: Burgmannen-Tage Vechta
Think tank
Heydenwall organizes the Heydenwall think tanks. The Think Tanks are a consistent foundation of the implicit knowledge, which is available in the group and which is always extended and deepened by new experiences from our hobby. In the think tank, the unconscious knowledge is made visible. It is promised through containment, criticism and clarification and thereby made accessible and reviewable for discussion beyond one's own space of experience.
You can find out more here: Think Tank
Arts and Crafts meeting
We regularly organize meetings for handicrafts and experiments in the context of medieval representations. These events have a more internal character and are organised through our forum.
Some of us are working on documenting their presentation with the associated equipment in a format we define. This will be made available to others as an example in the future. This format is also intended to motivate people to work on their own presentation.
Over time, we have written a number of instructions that we would like to share with the public. You can find them here: Instructions