Basic commands exercise
The basic commands exercise is about learning the basic movements for the line fight, so that each individual and also the group is responsive during the game for the common coordination and everyone is clear with which commands what is meant.
For the basic exercise, training is done with a reduced canon. (basic commands)
Begin by lining up in closed formation.
depths alignment
Basic understanding of a line or cohort.
Here also explain the difference between line and line.
Width of the group
Closed formation
Shields overlap, hand supports the shield of the neighbor.
Width 70 cm per person
Open formation
Everyone can still reach the neighbor with his hand.
Standard width at Heydenwall.
Width 140 cm per person.
Wide open formation
Everyone can still reach the neighbor with the Weapon.
Width 210 cm per person
Loose order
Hints what Loose Order means (Wild Rage Cloud):
No more support for the neighbors possible
High breakthrough probability with good opponents
Normal walking
Watch for slowest.
Halt and stop
Both must be practiced
Fast forward
Walk fast.
Pay attention to slowest.
Watch for depth alignment.
Slow forward
Joint half step
on the spot
Quietly walking backwards.
Paying attention to depth alignment.
counted steps
Common counting and normal steps
Aligning the group
Right and left falls
When to stop.
Same width
Aligning left and right
out and around
These words distinguish two movements.
Out is moving purely sideways
Rum is walking around the other person.