Coordination within a group
What is communicated and how this is done is most important for a good function of a group and the joint fight.
Some would name this topic command structure or hierarchy. Those terms seem a bit too strong for the game we are playing. We see us as teammates and fighter community
However one wants to organize, it is sure that for a successfull game (for a victory) a good coordination is necessary.
Here an example für a suitable coordination structure.
During the fight
O (blue): The short weapons concentrate on defence and the fight
L (yellow): the Longweapons coordiante 3-5 persons (small scale) before them and guide this group through quiet talking and aimed fight against the opponent (deleting disruptive factors: who coordinates must be taken down, who is strong needs to lose his cover, spears need pressure, daneaxes need to be taken down).
R (black): The Reserve/rear guard coordinates the rear guard; if necessary with fighters from the first line (recall by name). The reserve coordinates the replacement, increase or removal of short weapons. Furthermore the place changement of spear fighters.
K (red): The command coordinates the movement of the group as a whole including the reserve. Befor the fight on the grey position, during the fight between the rear gard and the front line. Has to stay free from fight! Has to stay calm.
Before the fight
Before the fight everybody aligns independently with his immediate surrounding. You take up the position you have in the formation.
- You present yourself to the command and wait for eventual questions or orders
- Take up your position in the formation and align yourself
- Exchange names with your neighbours and make arrangements for common actions
- on the command „Line ready“ quit talking and report „ready“
structures and their introduction
For logical reasons you have to agree within a group on how you want to coordinate. Because only when all group members are ok with the structure can it be sustained in difficult situations.
Furthermore it facilitates the teamwork within the group, when all have the same understanding of coordination. The structure should be clear to everybody before the fight and it should best be trained before.
We don't have permanent assignments of persons to specific roles inside the structure of coordination, but the positions are assigned on demand. This ideally happens before every fighting event, so it possible to train accordingly.
Additionally it is desired that everybody, who recognizes a demand of coordination, takes action. For this it is necessary to orientate accordingly, take over the needed orders and coordinate the relevant fighters.
This way the structure can be sustained if the commander fails or the group splits up. Furthermore the flexibility is raised, because division and positioning of the group can be changed during the fight.