Line Tactics 1: Closed Line
On this page I try to present the most essential tactics in a pure line combat situation. We are talking here about a line section that cannot be circumvented, nor does it have any lateral boundaries. This is to be solely about the possibilities of the lines themselves. This is about a line where the opponent presents himself with a curve or a bend, or this has been created by combat.
As always, I am interested in criticism and hints. ]
The ends of a line are a special case in that the people there are threatened from only one direction, resulting in other possibilities, more on that later.
The simple reactions to displacement events are shown here. The actions and reactions are usually dynamic and mutually refer to each other. In other words: What is an outside bump to one is an inside bump to another; what is a bump on the right to one is a bump on the left to another.
Outside Bump 1
Situation: A bump has been formed into the opponent, but the line has not been broken. There is a risk that the outside dent will be corroded from the outside. In the middle, the opponent is weakened but still strong enough to hold the line.
Solution 1: Left and center is held, right is pressured with long arms to the diagonal right.
Solution 2: Pressure is applied from the bump sometimes to the right sometimes to the left.
Outside Bump 2
Situation: A bump has been formed into the opponent, but the line has not been broken. There is a risk that the outside dent will be corroded from the outside. In the center, the opponent has not been significantly weakened. Most likely, this is a retreat ploy.
Solution: Retract the center and apply more pressure on the right and left sides.
Inside Bump
Situation: A bump has been formed inside its own line, but the line has not been broken. The center has been weakened. Usually such inside bumps are formed when the opponent has made an attempt to break through the center, but has not succeeded. The other variant is that the flanks have advanced too quickly.
Solution 1: The center must hold at all costs!
The protruding opponents are provided with strong pressure from both sides by long weapons from the right flank rather with Dane axes from the left rather with spears.
Solution 2: The center must hold at all costs!
The right flank is pulled back. If this releases forces, it can be used to reinforce the center. On the left flank, the front is stabilized and pressure is applied diagonally to the right.
Bump left
Situation: The right side has fallen back and weakened.
Solution: The protruding position is held while the long arms apply pressure to the diagonal right. This can be supported by light pressure in the center. The left flank must be held!
If a gap occurs, the line must continue to be held and suitable runners must be ready!
This maneuver is called squeezing out.
Bump right
Situation: The left side has fallen back and weakened.
Solution: The right side is retracted and a reinforcement of the left is made. On the top of the bump, strong pressure is applied with long guns. An additional thrust can be made on the left flank for irritation.